Privacy policy
Pouchfactory B.V. attaches a lot of value to the protection of your personal details. In this Privacy policy we wish to provide clear and transparent information about the way we handle personal details. We do our utmost to guarantee your privacy and that is why we handle personal details extremely carefully. Pouch factory B.V. will at all times comply with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation. This implies that we at least:
- Process your personal details in accordance with the purpose that they were provided for, these purposes and types of personal details are described in this Privacy policy;
- Processing of your personal details is limited, only to the details minimally required for the goals they are being processed for;
- Asking for your explicit permission if this is required for the processing of your personal details;
- Appropriate technical and organisational measure were to the safety of your personal details is guaranteed;
- No personal details are communicated to other parties, unless this is necessary for the execution of the goals for which they were provided;
- Being aware of your rights, regarding your personal details, wishing to point these out to you respecting them.
As Pouchfactory B.V. we are responsible for the processing of your personal details. If, after reading our privacy policy, or more generally, you have questions about this or wish to contact us about this, you can use the contact details at the bottom of this document.
Pouchfactory B.V.
Watergoorweg 67
3861 MA Nijkerk
Processing of personal details of customers or suppliers
Personal details of customers or suppliers are processed by Pouchfactory B.V. for purposes of the following objective(s):
- Administrative goals;
- Communication about the assignment and/or invitations;
- Implementing or issuing an assignment.
Ground for these personal details is:
The agreed assignment/contract;
For objective(s) above, Pouch factory B.V. could ask the following personal details from you:
- Company name;
- Job title;
- First name;
- Infix;
- Surname;
- (Business) Telephone number;
- (Business) Email address;
- Gender
Your personal details are retained by Pouch factory B.V. for purposes of abovementioned processing for the period: For the term of the agreement, and afterwards until you indicate that storage on the basis of relational reasons is no longer required.